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With each sale of an equality keychain, we will donate 100% of the profits to organizations focusing on children's needs (food, shelter, physical therapy, medical care...), as well as social and racial justice organizations. We will rotate organizations every $100 of sales.


It should be noted that I am just a volunteer, and NOT official in any capacity, lol. I am just one person trying to bring us all together through little micro-activism ideas, and I am willing & able to put in the sweat equity it takes to organize. As of now, I am NOT a non-profit, and anything you contribute will NOT be tax-deductible. Maybe someday, but for now, this level of grassroots offering is my wheelhouse.


From the deepest part of my family's heart, thank you for your support!

equality key chain

$5.00Price   |   cookie be clickn   |   fine art photography and prints   |   easy diy crafts and projects   |   learning through play activities   |   parenting

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