The Warmest Mother's Day Wishes!!!

The warmest of wishes sent to all today, from the deepest part of my heart. 💕
I want my sons to feel like they are a butterfly, and my unconditional love for them is a magic cocoon that they can return to whenever they want. 💕
Thank you, my love, for these two beautiful babes. You are my soulmate.💕
Thank you, Mom, for everything. All of it. I love you so much. 💕
Conclusion: Today is Mother's Day! I hope you feel love... a love of self and love from a mother...whether that be biological, adopted, or between you and Mother Earth. I'm taking a moment and sending you a maternal embrace right now (picture me closing my eyes, smiling on my face and from my heart right at you... because that is what I am doing, lol).